Odisseuro was born in 2020 during the Sars2 Covid19 pandemic from the will of scholars from different disciplines who have already experimented with successful forms of scientific collaboration.
The objectives are research and training conducted with a multidisciplinary method and approach in the field of human and social sciences.
The research project Genealogie e rizomi mediterranei is a large open container in which the initiatives promoted by Odisseuro will converge the project looks at the ways in which the different forms of civilization have taken root and developed, even along karst paths à who have drawn the political, social, economic, cultural, religious, legal history of women, men and peoples who have lived on the shores of the Mediterranean.
At the center of the project, therefore, men, with their passions, their differences, their sufferings, their desires, their interests, their dreams and their myths.E of the adjective "mediterranei” we can choose the signs that compose it to write the words myths, eternal, gods, earth, that is to re-write the history of that land that nourished the roots from which the gods and myths they have drawn life marked and continue to mark the history of the men who share the Mare Nostrum
Giuseppe Speciale
Daniela Novarese
Rosario D'Agata
Stefania Mazzone
Carlo Colloca
Alessia Di Stefano
Jacopo Torrisi
Andrea Giuseppe Cerra